Sharing ideas : Utility Refund Agent Blog
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Sharing ideas

by Carl Bennett on 10/15/12

Welcome to the company...Any ideas on how you intend gaining customers???

Comments (12)

1. Jonathan said on 10/26/12 - 06:53AM
The end of my first week! I decided to approach businesses that I already know. Two successes already and prospects lined up.
2. Kevin Broodryk said on 10/28/12 - 11:27PM
Jonathan well done on your two successes, I have mixed up the ways i have been trying to get appointments to see which works best , cold calling , phone calls , e mails and calling contacts. So far i have managed to make 5 appointments , 2 through contacts , 1 through phone , 1 through cold calling and 1 through e mail , so all have worked out the same so far so will continue to use all methods until 1 or 2 prove more succesfull
3. Mark Bennett said on 10/29/12 - 02:10AM
That's a great start for the 1st week of being live, well done. Lliam has mentioned to me that he'd like to personalise the flyers by placing his details on the paperwork, another great idea as it'll come across more professional. If you all want to do the same please email the draft copy over to me so we can proof read before going live with them.
4. Jonathan said on 11/9/12 - 03:42AM
Here's a hoot for Friday. When I submitted the forms for my two clients I answered the question "How long at this address?" with great honesty of 30mins and 70mins (well, there were six meters to get round!). When the docs were reviewed, I'm grateful to Mark for not laughing too loudly when he pointed out that it refers to the company - not me! Happy Friday.
5. Carl Bennett said on 11/9/12 - 03:53AM
That made me chuckle, but who said he didn't laugh too loudly? He nearly fell off his chair!!!
6. Jonathan said on 11/16/12 - 02:37AM
A bit of a quiet week. As my patch is Bedford and Northampton (and I live in MK) I'm a bit reluctant at this stage to drive over unless I've got a firm appointment. I've targeted some pubs and care homes and I find gives a good list with a map and links to websites. Many pub websites give the landlords name and an email address. Sending a personal email will, I hope, result in a successful appointment. Happy Friday!
7. Mark Bennett said on 11/26/12 - 03:39AM
Just a quick message to say well done to both Syed and Martin on their first week of being live and bringing in 2 cases. With another 3 lined up. Congratulations.
8. Mark Bennett said on 11/26/12 - 03:46AM
Just a quick message to Kevin and Jonathan to say hope that it was beneficial when you got together for a drink and to discuss future business. I believe that you're doing the same this week, before going out. Best of luck.
9. Jonathan said on 12/10/12 - 04:24AM
My experience last week is that prospects/targets are focussing on Christmas and are not agreeing to appointments or taking decisions at the moment. So tricky making progress at the moment but bodes well for the New Year.
10. Jonathan said on 12/14/12 - 01:20AM
Not much in the way of meetings arranged for the near term - it's getting too close to Christmas. But laying down some good foundations for January. Including a meeting with an academy sponsor with 68 acadamies (ie schools) around the country. How's everyone else doing?
11. Jonathan said on 1/24/13 - 02:46AM
Here's an idea. Would it be possible to have a few hints and tips of what to look for when targeting specific types of client. Eg is it better if a hotel is part of a chain or an independant? Is it better if a pub or restaurant has a residential element? A few bullet points would help. What do others think?
12. Mark Bennett said on 2/12/13 - 03:25AM
Good idea Jonathan, The target market we set have a greater % chance of a refund. Pubs, churches, nursing homes, guest houses and restaurants. Pubs, nursing homes, restaurants, hotels and guest houses all have a residential element with nursing / care homes also in that bracket, however they include, along with churches, being tax exempt or reduced tax rate.

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